Ավելացնել ապրանք

We Are Still Here Hoodie

As our fight for justice continues, Open Wounds believes it is important to continue making a strong and powerful statement. A statement that proves that we are survivors and that we are thriving more than ever. A statement that lets the world know, that despite all of your efforts to get rid of us, or to keep us quiet, WE ARE STILL HERE.


Join us in our new chapter of the Open Wounds 1915 movement. Let’s show our strength in numbers.

The Open Wounds brand makes stylish clothes with a message. Raising awareness about crimes against humanity, as education is the catalyst for preventing future atrocities.

(Percentage of proceeds go to donations to educate and empower the youth)

When you buy an Open Wounds piece you join the movement in fighting against crimes against humanity.

Thank you for your continued support.

We Are Still Here Hoodie

Կարծիքներ 29


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